Virtual reality in oral surgery
Laskin (2008) suggested that the core of oral and maxillofacial surgery could be divided into 3 levels: 1) areas of expertise, such as oral pathology, oral medicine, dentoalveolar surgery, preprosthetic surgery, and maxillofacial traumatology; 2) areas of competence, including orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint surgery, and local reconstructive surgery; and 3) areas of familiarity that include cleft lip and palate surgery, craniofacial surgery, regional reconstructive surgery, oncologic surgery, and cosmetic surgery. The purpose of this study is to assess residents' confidence in practicing the full scope of oral-maxillofacial surgery and their perception of gaps existing in their training. The investigators hypothesized that graduating residents' confidence in practicing the full scope of oral-maxillofacial surgery falls within the suggested levels by Laskin.
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Kathy Andrews
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Journal of Oral Health and Dental Management