
It is my distinct honour and privilege to welcome you to the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science.

The Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science aims to spread knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Modern Scientific Techniques. The open access journal is published by Longdom Publishing who hosts open access peer-reviewed journals as well as organizes conferences that hosts the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity.

Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological parts, devices and circuits not existing in nature. It provides a novel solution to imminent challenges in a wide variety of fields, including the discovery of new drugs, production chemicals, renewable biofuels, value -added products and cellular reprogramming. Many efforts have been made to design and characterize synthetic genetic parts, including promoter, transcription factors, RBS, degradation tags and transcriptional terminators, among others.

These genetic parts have been assembled for construction of a numbers of synthetic devices and circuits like oscillators, toggle switches, amplifiers and biologic gates; they plays a vital role in cell reprogramming for better understanding of cellular mechanisms and control of biological process. They are also useful for the periodic and tunable production of drugs, fine chemicals, vaccines and much more. It is the goal of this review to aid and accelerate future research in synthetic biology.

We always encourage your research works under the scope of our Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science.

With regards,


Managing Editor

Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science

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